
The Idea of Instant Coherence

Incoherence is an erratic and diffuse frequency field, which can be challenging for higher-light and dimensional consciousness. Coherence on the other hand creates a clear energy signature comparable to a laser beam, and it allows for easy contact with non-physical beings. 

It has been my experience that it takes about 3 days to reach a good level of coherence in a new group of 10 to 20 people.

The question for me was: How can we create instant coherence, and the answer that came was the Pyramid.

  • Coherence within oneself is about our mind, body and heart having the same desire. If our body wants to sleep, our heart wants to be with a loved one and our mind wants to do the taxes, then there is no coherence.
  • Coherence within a group of people is about being in an emotional space of love, sitting physically in the same circle and everyone having the same intent and focus. 
  • Coherence means ego flows away. Personalities are minimised. Feelings of competition, inadequacy, greed, jealousy, and other lower frequencies are neutralised. While working with the Pyramid of Light our consciousness is connected, becomes coherent and frequencies step up.

I have been taught that 12 (or 13 depending on who is teaching) coherent men and women can easily change the world. One man who expressed this was George van Tassel in ‘The council of seven lights’. He writes:

“The power of thought can be increased in the number of people. One person has one power. Two people have eight power. Three people have 512 power (8x8x8). This power cubes its resultant to the maximum of twelve people.. . . . . three people have the projective force of 512 power. Four people increase it to 134’217’728 power. (512x512x512)”

The Crystal Scalar Wave Technology

There is a double-pointed clear quartz crystal in the center of the pyramid at a specific height. The pyramid has an angle of 72 degrees. The angle of 72 degrees is linked to the third eye. 

The toroidal coils produce scalar waves, which are focused by the crystal. These waves flow in all directions of space, but also backwards, forwards, sideways and vertically through the dimensions of time.

This new-world technology has been described by time-traveler friends as ‘absolutely brilliant’. Many people are nowadays talking about communities, yet these communities are not functioning optimally. With natural energy devices such as the pyramid communities can come into coherence, compassion and benevolence.

Past Happenings

Would you like to have a Pyramid custom made for you? Contact Lorenz:

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